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American Panorama
Random selection of photographs
Jan 1935 - Jun 1944
1-4 of
A poster comes to life. The three men watch the beginning of a tapping operation on a small (thirty-five ton) electric furnace. Allegheny-Steel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Allegheny, PA
Alfred T. Palmer
August 1942
Arkansas-Texas state line to Gurdon, Arkansas. War emergency pipeline from Longview, Texas to Norris City, Illinois. One of the foremen on the pipeline
John Vachon
October 1942
Group of Negro cotton pickers resting during lunch hour, Lehi, Arkansas
Crittenden, AR
Russell Lee
September 1938
New York, New York. First grade public school children making Indian paper hats. Marie Winn [or Wynn], a Czech-American child, is in the foreground
Bronx, NY
Marjory Collins
October 1942
Attaching heel part of boot to uppers. Boot shop, Alpine, Texas
Brewster, TX
Russell Lee
May 1939
Rio Piedras (vicinity), Puerto Rico. Daughter of a FSA (Farm Security Administration) tenant purchase borrower
San Juan, PR
Jack Delano
January 1942
Preparation for point rationing. With an official as their guide, woman shopper and daughter get their first experience in using war ration book two in purchasing processed foods. Harold B. Rowe, director of Office of Price Administration's (OPA) Food Rationing Division, indicates the point values of various canned goods
Washington, DC
Alfred T. Palmer
February 1943
Assault boat Production. Building assault boats for U.S. Marine Corps. Workmen apply final coating of rubber paint preparatory to deflating boats and packing for shipment. Goodyear, Akron, Ohio
Summit, OH
Alfred T. Palmer
December 1941